Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas '09

At the airport heading to AK. He was ready for a nap!

Getting impatient to get off the plane with Uncle Ty

There was snow everywhere in Alaska! Noah liked it in short spurts.

Pete and I waited 3 hours at Sarah Palin's book signing. Got her book signed for her #1 fan, my dad!

Hanging out with Papa Rock and Great-Grandpa Gary. Not the best pic of any of them, but I didn't have a better pic of the men.

Worn out after shopping.

He got to try peas for Christmas. Doesnt seem that he is ready for solids just yet. We will give it a few more weeks.

Daddy taking him on his first sleigh ride

He was less than thrilled. haha!

Ready to come inside

Our family

With Aunt Clara

Noah and Auntie Em wearing their onsies

Openning gifts with Grammy

Four generations

Ringing in the new year with his buddy TJ in Abilene


  1. i love the sleigh picture!! so cute!

  2. He is so cute and no, Pete I'm not talking about you. You're cute, but not SO CUTE! Mike and I laughed at the sleigh pic, come on guys, put a blanket, pillow or something under his head! I can't believe how he has grown.
    Grammy Di

  3. Poor baby was freezing in the snow! :) Glad you guys had a good Christmas and are back home safe and sound.
