1) peace that surpassed all understanding the day of the surgery
2) the miracle of his pulmenary valve being saved (thus decreasing his chance of future surgery greatly)
3) After Noah's chest tubes were taken out the doctors said there was a 98% chance they would have to put them back in...the following morning all the fluid in his chest was gone saving him from this painful procedure.
4) He had great color, and ate well for his condition
5) We had such kind doctors/nurses/techs
6) We were able to be surrounded by family
7) There were people all over the WORLD praying for Noah
8) Noah smiled 3 days after surgery
9) There were no complications
10) Noah had great behavior and patience thru tons of blood tests, urine tests, shots, IV's, echos, EKGs, chest x-rays, heel pricks, vital checks.
Picture of Noah after most lines had been taken out and he was taken out of ICU. THis was about 4 or 5 days after surgery.

Picture of Noah today. He insisted that his PJ's be taken off this morning so he could put on his shoes.