Noah has been one busy little boy! He posed as a precious little boy on Easter and enjoyed a trip from the Easter Bunny. Then he 'hopped' on a plane to Alaska. While in Alaska, he met his great-aunt J-J, cousin Fletcher, saw his alaska aunts and uncle, cuddled with Grammy, and most imortantly, he suprised Papa Rock on his 60th birthday. It was a whirl-wind of activity and he got spoiled rotten!
I didn't get many pics of the Alaska trip because my camera broke!
Me and Emily waiting to suprise Rock (she was a suprise to him as well)

Waiting to suprise Papa Rock.

Getting spoiled rotten and loving it! (Great-Aunt J-J and cousin Fletcher)

The trip went really well, except Noah must have been overly excited at night and had trouble sleeping. But even though he wasn't sleeping well he was in such a good mood. Papa Rock and Fletcher babysat him one afternoon while us girls went shopping. He did really well on the flights. It was my first time to fly with him alone, but I think he handled it all very well. It was all worth it when Papa Rock said, "This is the best birthday I have ever had!" We love Papa Rock!!
EASTER:OF course, he was more interested in the grass in his basket than the Easter Eggs


We have been visiting different Churches here in Cabot, but have been going the most to Grace Fellowship. A family there invited us to Easter dinner at their house. So nice!
Noah has just realized he can roll over in bed and stick his head up to see what is going on. He is crying here because he was mad that I was taking a picture instead of picking him up immediately. Of course, we lowered his crib the same day.

Sleepy boy (and mamma).

Noah's latest trick is not crawling...but standing up! He still doesn't crawl more than an inch or two, but he can now pull himself up on the couch, chairs, etc. AND I can clearly see a couple of bottom teeth just waiting to cut through.
Here he is having fun on an airplane that Grammy and Grandaddy got him for Christmas: