This month has already been fun hanging out with friends.
Amy, Emily, Amie
Amie and I handed out programs at our friend Emily's wedding. It was beautiful!! Her wedding colors were black and white and the ceremony was at a Ranch in Abilene. Let's just say it was a little hot...and Amie and I are both pregnant!
The pregnant Amy and Amie. And there was another pregnant girl there named really.
Amie and Tomio invited Pete and I to the lake on their boat. It was lots of fun and the water felt great.
Belly pic

Laura, Kami, Amy, Rachel....2001
Kamie, Rachel, Laura, Amy
Some college friends came to Abilene for a visit. This is us taking a walk through ACU. Kami and I are both due in the next couple of weeks and Rachel and Laura have little girls. And Laura just found out she is pregnant again! Congrats!
They brought Kami and I baby gifts and we had a good time talking about what was to come with motherhood. It was great to see them.
I am still feeling great. Noah continues to move around, I have multiple Braxton Hicks contractions daily, my hips are a little sore from spreading. I stay indoors mostly thanks to 105 degree weather, but have been full on nesting since my days are numbered. I have even tried my hand at making granola, homeade bread, homeade muffins, and from scratch pancakes. Pete is enjoying this new hobby of mine. Today my friend Jessica is coming for a visit!